Skin Care: The Product Didn’t Exist, So She Made It

It took eight years of “persistent, pigheaded effort,” but Wendy Serkin’s new skin moisturizer is getting rave reviews from buyers on Amazon.

By Irene Silverman 

July 25, 2019

Finally last week, came the break Wendy Serkin had been waiting for.

A friend called, sounding breathless. “Did you see it? Did you see it on Amazon?”

EpiMD, the skin care product she’d been working on for over eight years, had been named Amazon’s Choice of the Day. There it was, in the category of moisturizing body lotions, tagged with a special look-at-me symbol and prominently displayed on the page, an eight-ounce blue-on-white vial standing tall and proud among such giants as Aveeno, Nivea, and Jergen’s.

At the East Hampton house where she lives with her husband, Andy Goldstein, a former chairman of the East Hampton Village Zoning Board of Appeals, Ms. Serkin recalled how it all began.

To read more please visit The East Hampton Star

Durell Godfrey photo of Wendy Serkin for The East Hampton Star